Punjab State Monthly Bumper result March - 10/04/2014


8th Prize(100000) Rs. 50/-each Ticket No:-(All  tickets ending with the following last 4 digits)
0002 0499 1086 1496 2016 2612 2950 3433 3931 4470 5026 5368 5947 6482 7012 7586 8041 8590 9078 9470
0014 0511 1089 1515 2017 2623 2952 3456 3934 4471 5027 5377 5971 6490 7024 7587 8050 8597 9123 9471
0027 0513 1102 1518 2030 2638 2977 3460 3957 4474 5040 5380 5983 6494 7038 7591 8088 8615 9128 9473
0053 0515 1105 1526 2057 2642 2983 3470 3962 4494 5049 5405 5991 6501 7041 7610 8090 8617 9134 9476
0062 0528 1129 1535 2074 2653 2992 3476 3964 4507 5057 5410 5998 6505 7042 7613 8092 8620 9137 9484
0067 0530 1133 1542 2093 2668 2994 3484 3965 4533 5058 5413 6006 6507 7062 7618 8111 8631 9138 9488
0068 0532 1150 1550 2109 2669 3004 3492 3987 4535 5071 5443 6033 6514 7063 7619 8122 8634 9142 9513
0072 0533 1151 1552 2127 2674 3017 3495 3995 4543 5075 5461 6044 6544 7073 7649 8128 8649 9150 9518
0080 0537 1152 1559 2144 2675 3025 3496 3996 4553 5077 5465 6052 6551 7079 7668 8137 8661 9152 9530
0090 0552 1157 1569 2148 2676 3044 3514 4013 4569 5081 5481 6062 6567 7083 7675 8148 8667 9166 9562
0092 0567 1163 1573 2164 2682 3052 3517 4015 4570 5082 5482 6065 6576 7110 7680 8160 8683 9182 9567
0110 0578 1166 1582 2182 2684 3073 3525 4018 4580 5083 5490 6085 6601 7131 7690 8164 8686 9194 9576
0117 0589 1182 1588 2185 2691 3084 3543 4020 4607 5091 5494 6088 6604 7137 7704 8178 8690 9195 9605
0132 0607 1184 1590 2190 2693 3096 3561 4023 4608 5092 5517 6091 6607 7197 7713 8184 8693 9198 9606
0145 0628 1186 1594 2237 2698 3128 3563 4030 4628 5097 5518 6095 6615 7201 7716 8191 8698 9202 9608
0156 0658 1193 1606 2242 2711 3133 3582 4031 4645 5102 5526 6098 6646 7208 7722 8220 8709 9207 9610
0169 0666 1197 1623 2244 2717 3153 3608 4032 4654 5106 5538 6102 6652 7214 7761 8248 8716 9218 9619
0180 0671 1213 1628 2260 2719 3162 3613 4042 4709 5108 5545 6109 6657 7232 7775 8272 8719 9234 9624
0183 0681 1219 1630 2267 2724 3167 3617 4044 4711 5120 5562 6137 6659 7241 7804 8280 8724 9240 9631
0199 0688 1222 1640 2308 2725 3180 3628 4062 4717 5122 5567 6142 6661 7294 7815 8283 8731 9247 9632
0232 0699 1251 1645 2329 2732 3190 3642 4074 4752 5132 5596 6144 6663 7311 7821 8296 8733 9248 9648
0244 0705 1263 1657 2348 2733 3193 3666 4083 4760 5144 5611 6145 6665 7324 7836 8307 8734 9255 9652
0245 0737 1268 1658 2354 2736 3197 3672 4101 4769 5149 5619 6148 6678 7337 7846 8308 8741 9264 9657
0249 0760 1269 1667 2361 2737 3207 3673 4102 4774 5164 5630 6170 6689 7346 7861 8320 8749 9268 9687
0270 0767 1290 1681 2367 2738 3216 3675 4110 4785 5177 5631 6182 6704 7359 7875 8329 8754 9272 9704
0312 0770 1297 1709 2369 2746 3227 3692 4112 4788 5187 5633 6213 6728 7379 7887 8332 8759 9278 9707
0322 0779 1303 1720 2400 2748 3230 3708 4114 4791 5196 5653 6233 6735 7391 7890 8349 8760 9281 9713
0326 0789 1305 1728 2404 2754 3231 3713 4134 4804 5197 5654 6234 6747 7392 7893 8370 8771 9286 9746
0339 0811 1312 1733 2409 2755 3235 3720 4146 4838 5198 5668 6260 6751 7401 7897 8377 8818 9292 9747
0363 0817 1316 1790 2410 2757 3239 3741 4162 4842 5207 5670 6268 6752 7404 7899 8378 8843 9293 9754
0365 0818 1321 1795 2423 2758 3240 3767 4167 4847 5231 5677 6271 6766 7417 7906 8411 8848 9298 9772
0366 0819 1327 1808 2426 2764 3253 3793 4193 4852 5252 5725 6273 6774 7418 7915 8427 8874 9303 9792
0372 0859 1332 1838 2434 2765 3285 3805 4235 4856 5265 5742 6294 6782 7421 7917 8437 8881 9324 9805
0375 0867 1333 1843 2441 2768 3289 3818 4243 4870 5271 5753 6302 6783 7431 7924 8451 8908 9326 9807
0398 0883 1345 1845 2446 2773 3290 3835 4254 4872 5298 5758 6305 6784 7440 7928 8454 8916 9330 9812
0408 0903 1354 1847 2460 2782 3293 3841 4261 4873 5300 5775 6321 6804 7446 7929 8459 8920 9337 9839
0410 0912 1375 1868 2477 2790 3307 3844 4265 4878 5304 5783 6329 6820 7447 7940 8461 8938 9339 9848
0414 0913 1386 1880 2491 2809 3325 3846 4269 4910 5309 5787 6333 6824 7458 7949 8465 8940 9347 9852
0420 0920 1390 1897 2502 2817 3331 3847 4305 4917 5323 5793 6359 6831 7462 7952 8467 8966 9360 9857
0423 0959 1404 1908 2511 2842 3334 3856 4309 4924 5327 5813 6402 6834 7464 7960 8476 8969 9368 9868
0430 0983 1408 1917 2514 2847 3338 3860 4313 4945 5329 5816 6403 6847 7472 7969 8520 8971 9402 9886
0435 0984 1430 1920 2520 2856 3342 3863 4400 4950 5330 5817 6405 6862 7473 7972 8525 8974 9415 9892
0451 1002 1431 1922 2522 2870 3346 3871 4403 4960 5336 5842 6411 6898 7477 7982 8530 8981 9435 9894
0452 1038 1436 1930 2546 2887 3360 3889 4408 4964 5341 5855 6418 6922 7482 7984 8535 8990 9436 9901
0458 1050 1443 1943 2567 2893 3367 3897 4425 4966 5343 5860 6426 6952 7512 8001 8548 8993 9438 9916
0459 1051 1446 1944 2575 2898 3376 3910 4446 4970 5348 5872 6434 6955 7513 8003 8555 9014 9447 9927
0471 1052 1448 1955 2581 2916 3377 3922 4453 4975 5349 5905 6450 6991 7549 8017 8572 9025 9458 9949
0477 1065 1452 1966 2582 2927 3381 3923 4456 4992 5355 5932 6451 6993 7550 8018 8574 9033 9460 9959
0482 1070 1474 1984 2593 2928 3424 3924 4464 5005 5356 5938 6454 7003 7558 8034 8583 9041 9464 9983
0489 1078 1488 1992 2605 2934 3425 3928 4465 5024 5361 5941 6476 7004 7576 8038 8585 9065 9467 9992
Note : Kindly check the Result with Government Gazzatte

Punjab State Monthly Bumper March-2014 with first prize 51 lakhs Ticket M.R.P. Rs. 50/- each......Draw On 28/03/2014



  1. The Punjab State Monthly Bumper result is more than just a lottery for many; it's a lifeline, a dream, and sometimes, even a bit of magic. Every month, this exciting event captures the hearts of thousands across Punjab, with everyone hoping that their little ticket will turn into something extraordinary. There’s a buzz in the air, almost like a ripple of anticipation, as people buy their tickets, their hopes rising with each passing day leading up to the big draw. It's not just about the grand prizes—cars, homes, cash—but about that rush of possibility. What if this time, I win? It's that thought that keeps the excitement alive.

    For some, the Punjab State Monthly Bumper isn’t just about winning, but about the chance to dream bigger. I remember a friend telling me how, when she was younger, her grandmother would buy a ticket each month without fail, just for the joy of hoping. Even though they never won, it became a small family tradition, a way to bond and share in the thrill of possibility. It’s funny how something like that, even if it doesn’t bring a grand prize, can still bring so much joy and connection. Learn More BengalStudent.in.

    When the results are finally out, whether it’s through a newspaper, on the radio, or online, it’s a moment of truth that millions are waiting for. The air practically crackles with energy as the winners are announced, and you can almost feel the collective breath of anticipation before that name is revealed. And then, when someone wins big—well, it’s nothing short of a life-changing moment. Imagine waking up one day to find you’ve won a bumper lottery! It can mean a new home, a new car, or even a fresh start for many lucky winners, changing their entire story in an instant.

    But it’s not just about the winners. The whole process brings people together, creating a sense of excitement and unity. There’s a shared experience in the community, a collective holding of breath as everyone tunes in for the big reveal. And let’s not forget, the funds raised from these lotteries often go toward important public welfare projects, which is a win for the whole state.

    At the end of the day, the Punjab State Monthly Bumper result is more than just numbers on a page. It's about dreams, hopes, and the possibility that this might be your turn to win. Whether you're buying a ticket or just watching from the sidelines, there’s something special about being a part of it all, in a small but meaningful way. After all, who doesn't love a good story about luck, fate, and a little sprinkle of magic?


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